Shipbuilding industry associations
Monti & Barabino of Genoa is the historical Genoa-based company that belongs to the most important associations of the naval industry. In more than 140 years of activity, we have built solid and lasting relationships of trust with local and national authorities, becoming, with pride, an important reference in the sector.
Associazione Nazionale Provveditori e Appaltatori Navali (National Association of Naval Suppliers and Contractors)
A trade association with the aim of representing, promoting and informing companies operating in the naval sector.
Marine Consortium
Group of Ligurian companies specialised in the production of high quality equipment for the marine and naval sector.
Associazione Nazionale dell Industria Navalmeccanica (National Association of the Naval Shipbuilding Industry)
A trade association belonging to Confindustria aimed at developing the competitiveness of shipyards and the Italian naval shipbuilding industrial chain.
Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Naval Register)
Founded non-profit organisation and accredited to carry out assessments, including of a state nature, concerning the safety of navigation and the tonnage of ships.
Confindustria Nautica
Representation association for the dealer and dealership sector as a primary reference point for the entire supply chain.
Chambers of Commerce of Italy
Register that groups companies with an uninterrupted exercise of the activity in the same scope for a period of not less than 100 years.